Little Red Riding Hood Lesson Guide

Fairy Tale Lesson Guides will introduce kids to classic stories. Reading Fairy Tales to your kids can increase their language skills and creativity. The classic tales almost always have a good moral to them as well.

Little Red Riding Hood has many adaptations, mostly trying to teach children to obey their parents and not trust strangers.

Each guide will give you a retelling of the tales to tell your child along with a book list and activity list to use as you wish. There are color pages and other printables in each packet.

In each lesson guide, I recommend several books. Below are the Amazon links. If you chose to buy any of the books, please do so through the links provided. I earn a tiny bit of money for each item purchased, so I appreciate your purchase.

You can find many different Red Riding Hood videos to watch. Below are some links you can choose from.

I hope you enjoy the fairy tale lesson guides! For the entire list of Feature Stories and Fairy Tales Lesson Guides click here.