American Princesses Study Guides

History books like to graze over the women of history. Historical Princess Study Guides from will help you dig deeper and discover more about who these amazing women were.

Below you will find study guides for several Historic “Princesses” from America.

Each Historical Princess Study Guide gives some basic information, book lists, maps and pictures, as well as discussion questions and activities. Several guides highlight the music and art of the era, and more.

Ka’iulani was a princess of Hawaii at the end of the monarchy.

Pocahontas was the daughter of Chief Powhatan and known for being a great peacemaker.

And though not the daughter of a leader or married to a prince, Sacagawea earns the title Princess from me, because she was such an amazing woman.

Below are Amazon links to many of the books I mention in the Study Guides. Find the complete list of Historic Princess Study Guides here.