Art Appreciation – Artists

When teaching my kids about art, I like to let them look at a lot of pictures and do many hands on activities to get their creative juices flowing. Personally, though my kids don’t love this, I enjoy reading the life stories about artists. I want to know the world they lived in, the inspiration to their art.

The following study guides will give you many pictures of art for your kids to study as well as book lists and websites for research. Each guide also contains a list of activities for your kids to try. Art is fun and should be enjoyed. Choose the activities your child will enjoy.

Stay tuned. More is to come. You can find the entire Art Appreciation Study Guide list here.

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Below is the link to the Doctor Who series that has “Vincent and the Doctor.” Also is the link to “Coco”.

And just for fun – the Animaniacs featuring Pablo Picasso and Michelangelo. Did you know Wakko Warner actually invented Cubism? They also helped paint the Sistine Chapel. lol